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Following is the text of a letter written by Mba Mbulu and sent to Black Studies chairpersons and Deans of Undergraduate Studies at 95 of the historically Black colleges and universities in the United States.

March 23, 2000
My Esteemed Colleague:

Black History and Black Studies programs have become part of the fabric of higher education in America, particularly in the traditionally Black colleges and universities. From being barely thinkable only 30 years ago, we now wonder how we considered ourselves educated without them. Such is the nature of progress.

Now it is time to fill another void, one that especially hinders the development of Black students. Our Black Studies and Black consciousness imperatives must recognize the Black nationalist energy that drove many of Our ancestors. Like Black History, understanding Black nationalism is crucial to crafting a future that will be kind to Black People.

With that in mind, I have developed a Black Studies curriculum that recognizes Black nationalism's role in Our journey. We all remember how fervently the idea of Black Studies was opposed at its onset; a Black nationalist curriculum and/or courses will encounter greater opposition. But an idea whose time has come must not be deterred.

Aset University is an online (www.asetbooks.com) Black Studies curriculum that addresses some specific educational needs of Black People and introduces new courses that are particularly relevant to Us. I urge you to review them and consider incorporating some of them into your Black Studies curriculum.

My goal is to find a physical location for Aset University. Until that time, I will be available to assist you in installing the program or parts of it at your school. At my web site (www.asetbooks.com), you can click Mba Mbulu to learn about my 30 years of experience and qualifications. Additionally, I can be emailed at the above address or from the web site.

Please think seriously about this matter. Why wait until tomorrow for others to lead when we can forge ahead today?


Mba Mbulu
Founder, Aset University

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